The Dr. Brewer Pregnancy Diet
Topic of the Week II
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The Previous Week's Topic

Gail Brewer's Fortified Soy Milk

The following is reprinted from What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know, by Gail Sforza Brewer with Tom Brewer, M.D., 1977. (p. 97)

Because this diet is so reliant on fortified soy milk, here's a complete, step-by-step recipe for making it at home so the milk you're drinking really contains what it should--and so that it tastes good enough that you'll actually drink it! If you use a commercial soy milk, check the label to make sure it provides the nutrients mentioned in the recipe.

1 cup whole soybeans (less than a year old)
3 cups very cold water
8 1/4 cups boiling water
2 tbsp. safflower oil (provides lineoleic acid, adds calories)
1 tbsp. calcium lactate (a dissolvable calcium source)*
25-mcg. tablet vitamin B12, crushed fine (all you need for 3-4 days)
1/2 tsp. salt (improves flavor, adds sodium)
1/4 tsp. liquid lecithin (holds oil droplets in suspension)
1 methionine/C-complex tablet, crushed fine (completes amino acid pattern and aids in iron absorption)*
4 tbsp. clover honey--optional (sweetens, adds calories)
flavorings, as desired--optional (add variety)

The following method of making soy milk has been devised by Cornell University nutritionists to avoid a bitter taste.

Sort soybeans carefully, discarding any broken ones. Place them in a colander and run cold water over them for 4-5 minutes, turning constantly, to wash thoroughly. Transfer beans to glass container and add very cold water (to prevent fermentation while soaking). Soak 10-12 hours in the refrigerator. Beans should be at least double in bulk.

Rinse beans again under cold water in colander. Drain well. Divide beans into three equal portions and place each portion on a paper towel until you are ready to grind.

Line colander with muslin or open-weave linen cloth (too tight a weave will not allow proper drainage of the beans). Place above a large saucepan to catch the soy milk as it drains.

Bring 10 cups of water to a full rolling boil (some water will be lost to evaporation). Boiling water deactivates the enzyme that makes soy bitter. Place 2 cups of boiling water into blender and run it for 1 minute to heat blender. The blender container and its contents must be kept extremely hot (180 degrees F.), otherwise your soy milk will be bitter. Do not attempt this if your blender container top is not designed to handle boiling water (preheat glass tops to reduce the chances of cracking). Stainless steel equipment works best. Most plastics will melt. Discard heating water.

Transfer first portion of beans to blender and add 2 cups boiling water. Blend on medium setting for 1 minute, then on high for 1 minute. Pour pureed beans into lined colander. Repeat until all beans are pureed.

Use 1/4 cup boiling water to clean last puree from blender container and add to colander.

Tie cloth closed, or twist tightly to close, then press down hard with a glass jar, a potato masher, or another pan to squeeze as much soy milk as possible from the pureed beans. Repeat the pressing until beans yield no more milk.

Heat soy milk for 30 minutes in a double boiler, stirring often to prevent scorching. Cover and chill 15-20 minutes in refrigerator freezer compartment. The quick chill contributes to a more conventional dairy taste.

To the entire batch of milk, add safflower oil, calcium lactate, B12, salt, lecithin, methionine/C tablet, and honey (if desired). The honey adds to the flavor of the milk for drinking purposes. If you plan to use the soy milk as part of a soup or sauce, you may prefer to leave out the honey.

Return the milk to the blender in two or three portions and blend for a minute each time. The milk should be smooth and evenly-textured. Yield: 6 cups.

Store in glass jars in refrigerator. Soy milk will be good for three days after you make it if you keep it in the refrigerator. It can also be frozen, so it can be turned into what people at the Farm call "Ice Bean" (see their cookbook for other delicious twists on old dairy favorites).

Try one of these flavoring combinations (per 6-cup batch):

--1 tsp. vanilla extract --1 tsp. vanilla extract and 4 tsp. carob or cocoa --1/3 cup orange juice concentrate --3 tbsp. malt --3 tbsp. decaffeinated instant coffee --1 tsp. vanilla extract and 2 tsp. cocoa and 1 1/2 tbsp. decaffeinated instant coffee --1 tbsp. brown sugar and 1/4 tsp. cinnamon and 1/4 tsp nutmeg --1 tsp. Postum (cereal grains roasted to imitate the flavor of coffee without the caffeine or the decaffeinating chemicals) per cup of heated soy milk--very fortifying on a cold day.

Soy milk may also be used in any recipe that calls for cow's or goat's milk. Extra rich soy milk (made by using half the amount of water for the same amount of soybeans), after cooling, can be substituted for cream.

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