The Dr. Brewer Pregnancy Diet
The Diet
Weekly Record
Special Needs
No-Risk Diet
Weight Gain
Bed Rest
Herbal Diuretics
Twin Pregnancy
The Twin Diet
Premature Labor
Blood Pressure
Mistaken Diagnoses
Underweight Babies
Gestational Diabetes
In Memory
Other Issues
Morning Sickness
Colds and Flu
Registry II
Registry III

Links to articles, books, organizations, and authors that can provide additional information on nutrition and health in pregnancy.

Birth is not only about making babies.
Birth is about making mothers
~ strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.

~ Barbara Katz Rothman ~

Birth Sociologist and Author

Websites related to the Brewer Diet

Blue Ribbon Baby

Brewer Institute

The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth

The Pre-Eclamptic Toxaemia Society, PETS (Great Britain)

AG Gestose-Frauen (Germany)

Articles Related to the Brewer Diet

"Aggie Higgins Lit a Candle"

"Are you a Size-Friendly Midwife?"

"Bed Rest in Pregnancy: Health Risks"

Brewer Diet, Breastfeeding, and Losing Weight

Brewer Diet and Healthy Teeth for Kids

--Close "Sign In" window and scroll down to page 25 (as necessary).

Brewer Diet and Twins

Brewer Diet Plan for Lacto-Ovo Diets

"The Brewer Pregnancy Diet"

"Diet, Air Pollution and PreEclampsia"

"Ditch that Low-Salt Diet!"

"Eat to Beat Pregnancy Complications"

Gail Sforza Krebs

Gail Sforza Krebs regarding their new book

"Gestational Diabetes"

"Gestational Diabetes: Myth or Metabolism?"(scroll down)

"How mum's diet ups obesity risk"

"How to Stay Healthy and Low Risk During Pregnancy and Birth"

"Hummous and Enchiladas Make Beautiful Babies, Too!"

"Keeping Childbearing Normal Through Nutrition"

"Nutrition During Pregnancy"

"Pre-eclampsia - A disease of malnutrition"

"Pregnancy Nutrition--the Brewer Diet"

"Prematurity is Preventable"

"Preventing Complications with Nutrition"

"Preventing Complications with the Brewer Diet"

"Preventing eclampsia: an interview with Tom Brewer, MD" (November 2004)

"Preventing Toxemia of Pregnancy", by Bob Filice, MD

"Protein Intake and Toxemia"

"The Role of Nutrition in Preterm Labor"

"Six Keys to Preventing Complications and Giving Birth to a Healthy Baby"

"They Are What You Eat--Nutrition in a Plural Pregnancy"

"Toxemia: Early Warning Signs"

(See here if that link doesn't work)

Books Related to the Brewer Diet

The Brewer Medical Diet for Normal and High Risk Pregnancy (Gail Sforza Brewer and Tom Brewer, MD)

Doctor Clegg's Machete (A novel based on the life of Dr. Brewer, a must-read for every student of the Brewer Diet)

Eating for Two (Isaac Cronin and Gail Sforza Brewer)

Having Twins (Elizabeth Noble)

Maternal Nutrition and Child Health (Jay Hodin and Douglas Shanklin, MD)

Metabolic Toxemia of Late Pregnancy (Tom Brewer, MD)

Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way (Susan McCutcheon-Rosegg)

Nine Months, Nine Lessons (Gail Sforza Brewer)

The Pregnancy After 30 Workbook (Gail Sforza Brewer)

Right from the Start (Gail Sforza Brewer and Janice Presser Greene)

21st Century Obstetrics Now! Vol. 2

Understanding Diagnostic Tests in the Childbearing Year (Anne Frye)

--Under "Maternal Metabolic Disorders" you will find "Metabolic Toxemia of Late Pregnancy and the Liver Profile Test".

The Very Important Pregnancy Program

What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know: The Truth About Diet and Drugs in Pregnancy (Gail Sforza Brewer and Tom Brewer, MD)

Of Time and Memory, by Don Snyder: A moving biography of a mother who died of pre-eclampsia in 1950 because they didn't know about the Brewer Diet

Links to Other Organizations

Midwifery Today

Mothering Magazine

Pushed Birth

Spinning Babies

Waterbirth International

Belly Dance for Birth

Sharing the Skills

La Leche League

Compleat Mother


Evaluating Ezzo Programs

Safe Motherhood Quilt Project

The Society of Homeopaths--Pregnancy & Childbirth

Empowering Each Woman Giving Birth Naturally

Island Resources

Empowered Birth Services

Natural Birth and Baby Care

The Natural Child Project

Childbirth Connection

Wrap Your Baby

Birth Essentials

Gentle Birth

Natural Family Company

DONA International (Doulas)

Association of Labor Assistants & Childbirth Educators

The Doula School

Birthworks International

Birth Buddies

Ancient Art Midwifery Institute

The Farm Midwifery Center

Midwives Alliance of North America

Citizens for Midwifery

The Big Push for Midwives

Ohio Physicians for Midwives

American College of Nurse Midwives

American College of Traditional Midwives

Association of Radical Midwives

Royal College of Midwives

International Confederation of Midwives

Coalition for Illinois Midwifery

Christian Midwives International

Unassisted Childbirth


International Cesarean Awareness Network

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after Childbirth

Solace for Mothers

Birth Trauma Association

Birth Trauma Support Group

Trauma and Birth Stress

The Fistula Foundation

Birth Without Borders

Neonatal Unity for Mothers and Babies

Kangaroo Care

Kangaroo Mother Care

Doctors Opposing Circumcision


Nurses for the Right of the Child

The International Coalition for Genital Integrity

Mothers Against Circumcision

FGC Education and Networking Project


Stop FGM/C

Perinatal Hospice

(Infant Bereavement Photography)

Other Favorite Authors

Ina May Gaskin

Sheila Kitzinger

Suzanne Arms

Jennifer Block

Mary Cronk/Jane Evans

Doris Haire

Elizabeth Noble

Robbie Davis Floyd

Dr. Marsden Wagner

Dr. Michel Odent

Dr. Sarah J. Buckley

Dr. Frederick Leboyer

Dr. William Sears

Dr. George Wootan

Dr. Lendon Smith

Dr. Caldeyro-Barcia

Dr. Douglas R. Shanklin

Penny Simkin

Nancy Wainer

Carl Jones

Adelle Davis

Anne Frye

Elizabeth Davis

Barbara Katz Rothman

Jay Hodin

Paulina G. Perez, RN

Jean Liedloff

Remember this, for it is as true as true gets:
Your body is not a lemon.
You are not a machine.
The Creator is not a careless mechanic.
Human female bodies have the same potential to give birth well as aardvarks, lions, rhinoceri, elephants, moose, and water buffalo.

~ Ina May Gaskin ~

Perinatal Support Services